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Monthly Archives: October 2021

Another pleasant Saturday

A nice relaxed day when Susan, our near neighbor, tried her hand at driving locos as she felt like trying something completely different? So during the day under John and Keith’s supervision, she drove ‘Viceroy’, ‘Chieftain’, and then prepared, fired up and drove ‘Isabel’ round the circuit several times. We think she enjoyed the experience !
Also during the day Richard and Peter did some weed spraying and grass cutting, and Brian and John continued staining the loco shed doors…oh, and the Loncin for the Shay is ordered!

Shay overhaul

                                                             Keith and Peter lifting the ‘Honda^  out
On Saturday we started to dismantle the Shay with a view to replacing the Honda engine which is now almost 30 years old and showing signs of its age. We have in mind a ‘Loncin ‘ ,which is a direct replacement for the Honda, that, all being well should fit, and with an electric start will make life easier, but it has to be said the engine has performed really well and usually starts first or second pull. This will also give us the opportunity to thoroughly check and overhaul all the various parts with a repaint as necessary. The loco is a credit to its builder, Edwin Peck whose skill and ingenuity in building the loco still amazes us!

We have also been doing some more work in the station area to make it more open and accessible.