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Dull January Days !

Hi there
Well the days do seem to be getting longer so maybe Spring is just around the corner ????? We are keeping busy ish with one or two jobs around the railway. Keith and Peter have started to take in the point levers to give them a good clean and a repaint, with each one being given a number for ease of location identification. We have purchased a new window for the kitchen end outside wall of the Clubroom as the old one was getting past its best, so we are ensuring we have all the materials needed to allow us to fit it in one session, hopefully, next month sometime depending on the weather. The work to the Shay is now complete with the whistle sound unit fitted and working.
We are also planning to build an open wagon to carry ballast to work areas which will be really useful when we  carry out planned trackwork alterations. More on that later ! This plan has also encouraged us to make use of the lathe with Brian B and Ben’s help. We have two wheeled axles that we are going to use and the axles have been turned down (think that’s the correct technical expression) with a shoulder formed to take the bearings, and we are now just compiling a list of materials that we need to build the vehicle.
Apart from that we still meet on Wednesdays and Saturdays to chat, plan, put the world to rights, have a cuppa or  two and try to finish off the mince pies, cheese straws and stuff left over from Christmas and the New Year !!!!.  
Happy New Year everyone, let’s hope it will be a good one !Take care